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5 tips for choosing a screen name
One of the most important decisions that you should take as a webcam model is to choose your “alias” or “screen name”. In the entertainment business, a good name is the equivalent of building a “brand”, think of big companies like Coca-Cola or Apple, an attractive name will be the way to identify you and find your profile in pages or search engines, it´s the first step to promote and market your work.
Although it may seem very difficult at first, there are some points that must be taken into account when choosing a name that attracts the attention of the users, here are some tips to help you make the decision.
- It should be easy to remember
One of the most important things when it comes to choosing a screen name is that it should be easy to remember. Users will not be able to find you if they can not remember your name. There are some tricks to create a memorable name, such as using rhymes (example: MandyCandy) or incorporating some feature of your persona (example: TattooRose if you have many tattoos).
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- Avoid using numbers or special characters
Again you have to keep in mind that your followers will look for you by typing your name, if you choose an alias like “SexxxxyGirl343453”, it would be very easy to make mistakes when it comes to writing it. A single mistake could send your fans in the wrong direction.
- Use a “real” name
Many followers of webcamsgirls want to have an enjoyable experience with the models, even a connection with her. An impersonal name like “XXX_2017” is not very friendly. This does not mean that you should include your real name (even if some models do), but choose something that your followers can relate to.
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- Chech if it is not already in use
The web universe is huge, and every day more people are venturing into digital business, so it is very important that once you have a candidate for your screen name you start performing a series of searches on social networks or even just google or bing . If you find that a model already uses that name (or a very similar one) you should change it, always keep in mind that your name is your “brand” and must be unique.
- Choose a name you like
Perhaps this is the most important piece of advice, you must be comfortable with your screen name … you must like it. There are many people who will start calling you that way, it will be your digital identity. You must choose a name that represents you and even, a name you have fun with. There are many stories of actresses with funny anecdotes behind their stage name, such as putting the name of the school where they went, or the last name of their first love.
Keep in mind these tips and choose a screen name that allows you to build your brand as a webcam model and at the same time make you feel satisfied with your online persona, your followers will thank you.