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Protect your social networks from hacker attacks


Protect your social networks from hacker attacks

As a camgirl, you are used to manage social media to post photos, videos and information about the work you do, as well as notify your followers that you will be online.

Your social networks are an important element to make yourself known, retain followers and promote your work, as well as sharing the pages where you are connected. However, it’s easy to deduct that the passwords you use might be simple and easy to discover, because is very common to protect our information with the typical “12345” unaware of basic security rules, assuming that no one could want our information. Caution: Some room visitors may be interested in hacking you to blackmail you or steal your followers.

Sometimes we think security breaches only happen to Hollywood stars and entertainers, but the truth is that these virtual security breaches could happen to anyone; making your videos, photos and documents exposed to the public. As a camgirl model, every picture represents a profit, so we recommend you to take care of your data.

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Short and predictable passwords:

We must remember that the purpose of your passwords is to limit access to your information, so that “12345”, “acdef” or common words like your brother’s name have a low security standard; it’s like a shut door without a lock.

The password decryption tools used by hackers take advantage of this lack of creativity to get your data. This let them quickly get your password, enter your networks and mail, so more complex passwords with more alphanumeric characters are the best option even if the password is short.

Smart models choose passwords with special characters (* ^ `-) that makes it difficult for anyone to crack your access codes. Mix words makes harder for hackers to decrypt, even those with an alphanumeric mix.

Long passwords:

Some internet sites ask their users for a password with a certain number of digits and special characters, to avoid possible malicious attacks, cataloging your account security code as “low, medium, or high“. In general, this safeguard your data, but if you want to be completely safe about your data we ​​recommend long and unpredictable sequences: “name% _100_N! 6_su $ 78 = 9 & so”

Humans are ultimately erratic when it comes to memorizing long and unpredictable sequences, so you can split a password into parts like “2yo!” That would mean “yours” a short but difficult combination.

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Do not reuse passwords:

In the same category, we find the passwords re-use. We used to have one card’s password and use it for all others, and this also applies to digital services. Again and again we create the same password to all networks assuming that this way we will remember it more easily, however as we do, others could also try a password decrypted in the rest of the networks.

So the best idea is not to reuse passwords in any other social network, try alternate and change them every 3 months, using mixes of capital letters, lowercase letters and special characters, to protect your data, photos and videos that you want to use to promote your career as a camgirl.

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