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From bullying to fighting: the story of a harassed model


From bullying to fighting: the story of a harassed model

A young 20 years old model must face a reality that pursues her. Her name is Marly. She is currently a victim of harassment, after a user’s wife saw love messages he wrote to the model, in which the model made clear her rejection for a love relationship because he was a married man.

The young woman, who entered to the modeling world a few months ago, was having a normal life, but this reality has changed abruptly and has faced a tough challenge. Dealing with a blinded by jealousy woman, who fails to determine where the real betrayal comes from.

“It all started because a gentleman found out that I was a webcam model, he started trying to communicate with me because if he thought that I would be the same in real life. Id known this person because hes a relatives friend. This gentleman found my social networks, he created fake profiles to talk to me. I always denied his proposals, but his wife found out about the text messages and decided to blackmail me, violate my privacy, and even tell my dad” explains the model, who for a moment thought about killing herself.

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Marly, says his father was unaware of her job. He is the most important person in her life, and confesses that she’s been hurt when he inadequately found out about her job as a model  when the lady sent photos to him “he is not knowledgeable about the subject, what I dedicate myself and what this work is about, so I understand hes confused. I am not only exposed to social harassment, but so is my dad” points out the model.

She says that it has been a difficult experience in his life, and despite the fact that this person says “she wont rest until she has totally defeated me”, the model is ready to face the situation because she no longer has to hide the work she does.

“She called me and I had to have a personal meeting with her, because she threatened to publish pictures of my work.”

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The model also explains that she always rejected, blocked and cut off communications with this man. However, far from making the jealous woman understand that the model had nothing to do with him, provoke her a maelstrom of fury toward the camgirl.

Situations like Marly’s are complex. The work partners formed a support group and Marly has found in them the affection and support that it requires to go through this circumstance.

“The person I was worried about is already aware. I do not feel ashamed about my job, I see it as a career and has nothing wrong with it, “Marly says.

Stories like Marly’s, which is still in development, should remind us how important is to love yourselves, situations like this should never undermine the self-esteem of a webcam.

We must learn that webcam modeling is an art, which is posed in a way that not all people dare to think about. Some by moralists, others by religious, but they have in common a determining factor, the lack of an open mind.

It is imperative, as models learning to respond to these adversities, manage to overcome the prejudices of society, to be able to love their bodies as much as their minds. It also becomes necessary to discard any lugubrious thoughts that threaten their lives.

Webcam models are and should be legionnaires, both to communicate through a camera, and to make it offline by teaching society and the general public based on arguments. The work they perform is honest, determined, artistic and entertaining. This is the best way to teach others.

Models must consolidate a mind structure based on science, reading and philosophy to document that the body is but a sexed entity, who has nothing sinful, evil or scandalous to touch. As the professional psychotherapist, Bernardo Arango said a few days ago in a conference with a group of models.

The most important weapons for model who must face a situation like this type are: communication, valid arguments based on studies, professionalization, security, and self-esteem, as they provide tools to deal with people who deform reality due to their taboos.

One must be honest about the work being done, speak clearly about it, talk to the primary unit which is the family, not hide anything and justify with the truth.

Being a webcam model is not a lifetime job, but usually is the springboard for entrepreneurs and professionals from various branches. All of them must take the lead to dialogue, not offending, or hiding, but rather showing arguments without letting themselves be violated by anyone.

Models must be untouchable women, not only because of the nature of the work, which is only virtually realized, but in the real world they must be people of strength, who love themselves, and are clear and proud about the work they dedicate themselves to.

Fighting this type of situation does not correspond only to the task of a model, it is of all models, that’s why they must create support groups capable of coping with this situation as if they were a team.

The laws also provide us with tools to stop social harassment cases, as well as blackmail, subject-matter in the Colombian penal code, which deal with slander and infamy, as well as harassment through networks, Smartphone or Internet, which may be reported to prosecutors as a computer crime, on 165 police line, and expose your case, they will attend.

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