Frequently Asked
Cosmetic Surgery: Is it really necessary?
An issue that undoubtedly generates many questions to women, is cosmetic surgery and all that ot implies. Research shows that every woman between the ages of 21 and 35 years have thought at least 2 times in their life to go through cosmetic surgery, from improving the thickness of their lips, to more complicated procedures that require a much greater financial investment. So, a lot of women want to look like a real top-model (this also includes Webcam models) but few of them knows the risks and contraindications that these “improvements” can bring to their health.
Well, let’s talk a bit about the benefits of cosmetic surgery. 5 out of 10 women take the scalpel as an easy and quick option to improve those little details and imperfections they want to erase forever from their body. It is an effective, but very expensive way. For example here in Colombia, a mammoplasty (breast augmentation or reduction) can cost between 4 and 7 million pesos approximately, which indicates that it is not something that everyone can do, unless they really have the resources to do it.
Also, it is absolutely imperative that you analyze: Why do I need a cosmetic surgery? Every woman is a different universe, full of naturalness and unique characteristics, so it is very important that you understand the risks of this road before starting it. Always do it for the right reasons, and most important of all: Feel happy with yourself!
Some specialists in the area of family-mental-health have determined that there are nowadays a significant number of women who qualify their own body in a contemptuous way, and they have managed to overcome problems of self-esteem thanks to cosmetic surgery , personal valuation have also improved significantly their relations with friends and significant others. This is undoubtedly a very favorable point, motivated for the need that all human beings have to be recognized before the world, both inside and outside.
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Being an alternative that must be done by experts in the area, it carries a series of risks inherent to the procedure. There are now a number of global complaints about the malpractice of some false specialists, which have caused significant damage to the health of some patients, so we recommend that you first of all look for the best medical surgeons of your city and do a good routine checkup, in order to seek the best results.
80% of cases of complaints of physical damages after an operation have been due to the use of uncertified biopolymers in the implants, which have generated a series of physical disorders in the patients. Loss of breasts, amputations and necrosis are the most common examples in the long list of injuries caused by cosmetic procedures.
Another point to consider is that you seek to schedule your surgery in a clinic or hospital, which has the necessary equipment to do so. Any lack of instruments necessary for the operation and subsequent recovery can be the difference between life and death, in case of any problems. Always demand the most appropriate facilities.
There is also a large number of women in our country, Colombia, who wish to have a cosmetic surgery, for that old narco culture (traqueto) that has left many “trends” in our society. However, another large number of women prefer their natural attributes as a symbol of Latin beauty and counteracting today´s culture. But also, let’s take into account that the male audience that frequently visits webcam modeling sites, mostly foreigners, prefer girls with natural bodies, not the false beauty “made in the operating room.”
If you prefer not to change your body, but look for significant physical improvement, there are other alternatives to help highlight your natural attributes. Physical activities and discipline focused on work and development of those areas that you want to improve, are currently a wonderful (and much healthier) option to achieve the changes you want , including Crossfit, Pilates, Yoga, Mixed Martial Arts , Zumba, among others.
On the other hand, there are diet supplements and routines that greatly benefit body muscle development. Intake of protein, shakes, pills and other products, along with exercise and preparation at the physical level, are the cornerstone of everything that will come later: A resounding change in your body, without having to visit the operating room . It’s all a matter of deciding.
Which way is best for you?