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5 tips on female masturbation


5 tips on female masturbation

Pleasure is not exclusive for couples, we humans by themself have the ability to satisfy those feelings in our body by ourselves. As Webcam Models, is important to have the understanding about it and enough confidence to just  “play with yourself” in front of your audience in order to please them.

Worldwide, thousands of scientists have demonstrated that masturbation is one of the best antidepressants, in addition to providing you that “energy boost” you need. Based on the experience, we will review, 5 essential facts about female masturbation that you may not know.

Zero stress

The release of Dopamine and Oxytocin helps to feel a state of relaxation, as well as helping the central nervous system in giving a “boost” to your activities. On the other hand, the endorphins released in this process keeps a high satisfaction and well-being feelings, mixing it with the other biochemical agents in a cocktail of positive sensations building a shield against stress, fatigue and physical-emotional decay.

Prevent the risk of disease

A study by the University of Sydney, Australia, revealed that masturbation can significantly suppress the risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes, because the chemical process of release hormones improve body tension and completely cancels the insomnia, this factors notably affects the development of this particular disease.

Many experts also agree that masturbation prevents the development of other diseases such as prostate cancer (in the case of men), cystitis, syndromes associated with bacterial infections, due to the segregation of Cortisol, a great agent in strengthening the human immune system.

Improves circulation

Blood pressure is a part of the list of benefits. In the process, a neurotransmitter called Norepinephrine injects a dose of natural adrenaline that helps your heart to perform a more uniform pump through muscles and limbs. Symptoms like tired legs, muscle pain and fatigue will be reduced by 70% thanks to the chemical-miracle in the body before, during and after masturbation.


Improves couple relationships!

Some people say (mistakenly, of course) that relationships can be affected by this practice. Let us tell you that’s totally false !. Masturbation is an infallible trainer to improve your sexual relationship, because it helps you develop an understanding of your own body, as well as your partner´s, giving you insights about their intimate preferences, masturbation improves coitus letting you have deeper and more pleasant orgasms.

Your brain will say Thank you!

A large percentage of brain areas work tirelessly when you masturbate. About 30 areas of the cerebral cortex are activated to produce an “intense work” state in it, and that’s why oxygenation has a leading role in the process. This will benefit our memory, concentration, lucidity and conscience on each activities that we are doing day by day.

Curious facts about Female Masturbation you should know:

  • The first female masturbation occurs between the ages of 10 and 11 years old.
  • 87% of women stimulate their clitoris by hand-touching, 16% do so with pillow pressure, 23% with shower water pressure and 21% incorporating the use of sex toys, such as dildo.
  • 32% of women masturbate to achieve sleep, due to the state of relaxation that occurs in the body after doing it.

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