“Head Rig” the new gadget to achieve more intimate virtual reality transmissions
Technology surprises us every day, makes our lives easier and closer to the people who are far away. In the camgirls case, the following post would be very attractive for models who want to include a virtual reality experience in their shows.
On this topic AVN spoke with VRBangers representative Daniel Abramovich who highlighted how virtual reality has come a long way in the adult entertainment industry in a short time. However, according to his view an obstacle to a truly immersive VR experience is how the cameras have traditionally been used to transmit.
Camgirls usually performs their shows in front of discreet webcams, this makes that camgirls may become somewhat disoriented when they’re interacting with the camera in VR transmissions, which could be intimidating.
In a virtual reality stage the camera is the center of attention and the models must be able to extend the scene intimacy to an inanimate object to get closer to users, that’s why the VR Banger company created a device capable of surpassing this gap helping the models to make an easy transition.
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The company, designed an anatomically correct physical head, equipped with binaural microphones in their ears, as well as patented hardware embedded in their skull and multiple cameras that reach a resolution of 4K at 60 frames per second, and another couple of cameras in this peculiar mannequin’s eyes pockets. They called “Head Rig”.
“When we started, there were no “ready solutions” for studios that wanted to film virtual reality scenes so thinking about how to do it quickly became part of this company’s DNA,” explained Abramovich. “Anyone can slap a dozen GoPro cameras and pretend to be a content producer, but when they start seeing the distant result, the thrill of getting great scenes with this technology can go down.”
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Abramovich asserts that this head “sees and listens” in the same way a man would normally do, but perhaps the most important thing about this accessory is that it’s even easier to achieve a warm and credible content for the spectators, a very different result to those that you can get with any GoPro or traditional camera. The result is that camgirls are more comfortable performing their shows, and get into the same level of passion and intensity that fans would expect in a room meeting.
However, this device has some detractors already, because this gadget appearance is a little bit terrifying for some, so it is only a matter of waiting for the camgirls receptivity to this curious accessory for virtual reality webcam transmissions.